10 Recipes to Save the World!

10 Recipes to Save the World

Jamie Oliver suggested everyone should know 10 recipes before they leave school, so they were able to cook healthy nutritious food from real ingredients.  His list was written from the point of view of human health, which is important but to those of us that have Humanist aligned values, it is not the only thing.

We might want a different 10 recipes that would help protect the environment, prevent animal cruelty and human suffering.  They should be inexpensive and accessible to everyone, they should also be the kind of food you can buy cheaply and keep in the back of the cupboard so you are ready for hard times, should that be a surprise loss of income or being unable to leave your home for a period of time. "A good start to solving the problem, is not being part of the problem." this might mean we are also in a position to help others at times of crisis.

So these 10 Recipes to Save the World will be plant based and focused on humane treatment of those around us.  Until celebrity chefs embrace these ideas we can use our own short list of recipes.

They should make it easier to cook healthy, nutritious and ethical meals.  They should also put to rest the myth that being more ethical is more expensive, difficult or unhealthy.

Health-wise these recipes have the advantage that they demonstrate that vegetables can easily be part of dish not just stuck on the side.  The should embrace the wide diversity in humanity by utilizing different cuisines and making ethical food more exciting.

Finally the recipes should improve food literacy making it easier for people to make healthy ethical food from a wide range of ingredients.  So variations will be included.

I'll try and use a structure that makes these recipes accessible to a variety of situations and cooking abilities.

My current list is: Farinata, Lentil Ragu, Rice & Beans, Salad with sprouts, soup, curry, veggie Sunday roast, hummus & flat bread, oat based breakfast and a veggie burger.  But this is a movable feast so ideas and suggestions from others may well change this.

I'm sure better cooks that me will come up with better lists but this is one starting point.

The first dish on the list is Lentil Ragu and Pasta, more easily remembered as Lentil Bolognese.


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